La clinica

La Clinica is an owns and operates a chain of healthcare clinics

Information about La clinica

health, wellness and fitness
Number of employees
3617 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford, Oregon 97501, US

Company Categories

Emergency Medical Transportation & Services, Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare,

La clinica executive employees

traci fossen

Chief Quality Officer

marie fowler

Facilities Manager

sarah campbell

Process Improvement Manager

yolanda gil

Development Manager

mike gilbert

Pharmacy Director

michelle wilson

Development Manager for

jillian robinet

Practice Manager

edward smith-bu

Community Partnership Director

bryce waters

Director of Human

brenda johnson

Chief Executive Officer

brenda johnson

Board Member

anne daugherty

Nurse Case Manager

amy mcclung-gra

Practice Manager of

amy fine

Chief Dental Officer

aaron kelly

IT Systems Director

a b


virginia wolf

Marketing Director

maria zambrano

--Practice Manager

Frequent questions about La clinica

How many employees does La clinica have?
La clinica has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is La clinica's industry?
La clinica is involved in the industry of health, wellness and fitness.
Where is La clinica headquarters located?
La clinica is located in 3617 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford, Oregon 97501, US
What is the website of La clinica?
La clinica official website at

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